(current as per September 2016)

Keith Holyoak
Patricia Cheng
Patrick Plummer
Jeffrey K. Bye Jeff Bye
James Kubricht James Kubricht
Junho Lee Junho Lee
Maureen Gray Junho Lee
Marc Buehner, Professor, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Wales person name
Bruce Burns, Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Sydney, Australia
Chris Carroll, Data Science & Software Engineering Manager, Knack.it
Dawn Chen, Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley
Dawn Chen
Soohyun Cho, Associate Professor of Psychology, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
Melissa DeWolf, Microsoft Melissa DeWolf
Leonidas Doumas, Lecturer, Dept. of Psychology, University of Edinburgh
Merideth Gattis, Professor, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Wales person name
Christina Fales, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Washington University
Dan Krawczyk, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas Daniel Krawczyk
Jim Kroger, Associate Professor of Psychology, New Mexico State University
Niki Kittur, Assistant Professor and Cooper-Siegel Chair in Human-Computer Interaction, Carnegie-Mellon University
Tate Kubose, Assistant Manager of Gorilla Care and Research, The Gorilla Foundation Dr. Gary Stanley
Hee Seung Lee, Associate Professor of Education, Yonsei University, South Korea
Yunn-Wen Lien, Associate Professor of Psychology, National Taiwan University
Mimi Liljeholm, Assistant Professor of Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine
Bob Morrison, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Loyola University Chicago
Takanobu Omata,
Senior Cognitive Scientist, Sony Corporation
Laura Novick, Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Vanderbilt University
Jooyong Park, Professor of Psychology, Seoul National University Jooyong Park Profile photo

Derek Powell, Post Doctoral Fellow, Stanford University

Tage Rai, Lecturer, Sloan School of Managment, MIT Tage Rai
Lindsey Richland, Associate Professor of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago http://learninglab.uchicago.edu/People_files/Lindsey%20Bio%20Pic.jpg
Motoyuki Saito
Guido Schauer, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Texas at Dallas
Carol Seeger, Professor of Psychology, Colorado State University faculty photo
Ji Son, Assistant Professor of Psychology, California State University, Los Angeles Photo of Dr. Ji

Bobby Spellman, Professor of Psychology and Law, University of Virginia

Dušan Stamenković, Assistant Professor of Linguistics, University of Niš, Serbia Dusan Stamenkovic
James Waltz, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Maryland James  A Waltz
Michael Vendetti, Senior Usability Researcher, Oracle Corporation Michael Vendetti
Indre Viskontas, Cognitive Neuroscience Affiliate, University of California, San Fransciso; Editor at Neurocase; Professor at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; Soprano Indre_Viskontas
Regina Vollmeyer, Professor of Psychology, University of Frankfurt, Germany Regina Vollmeyer Portrait
Faculty Collaborators (partial list)  
Miriam Bassok, Professor of Psychology, University of Washington
Alan Castel, Associate Professor of Psychology, UCLA
Barbara Knowlton, Professor of Psychology, UCLA
John Hummel, Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hongjing Lu, Associate Professor of Psychology and Statistics, UCLA

Martin Monti, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neurosurgery, UCLA


Derek Penn, Gentleman Scholar

Daniel Povinelli, Professor of Biology and Director of Cognitive Evolution Group, University of Louisiana
Catherine Sandhofer, Professor of Psychology, UCLA
Dan Simon, Richard L. and Maria B. Crutcher Professor of Law and Psychology, University of Southern California
Dan Simon
Jim Stigler, Professor of Psychology, UCLA
Michael Waldmann, Professor of Psychology, University of Goettingen, Germany

Alan Yuille, Professor of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University



Lab Photo 2016




Lab Photo 2012



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